Application for New Membership 申请会员资格
There are three categories of membership: Swimmer, Non-Swimmer, and Life Member.
Parents of swimmers are encouraged to join as Non-Swimmers. Parent membership is not compulsory however, the Club and Swimming NSW strongly encourage non-swimming membership ($48.67) as this provides Comprehensive Injury Insurance Cover when participating in club activities.
As the Club is a voluntary organisation, all parents are required to assist where possible and when requested. Even if, as a parent, you do not join as a non-swimming member, Swimming Australia requires all members under 18 be part of a linked family group, with an adult aged 18 or over set as the primary member. There is no cost to register as the adult primary member.
Please note all KPSC members over the age of 18 years (Parents/Guardians and Swimmers) MUST have a valid Working with Children Check (WWC) number.
If a person fulfills one of the criteria listed below, they are eligible for membership of Knox Pymble Swim Club.
If a person does not fulfill one of the listed eligibility criteria they may apply for membership. Acceptance of applications is at the absolute discretion of the Committee. Please email our Registrar outlining your reason to join.
任何人只需满足以下要求之一,就可以申请成为Knox Pymble游泳俱乐部的会员。
Membership Categories | Cost |
Mini Membership | $133.06 |
8 & Under | $173.32 |
9 & Over | $277.14 |
Representative Swimming | $383.95 |
Swimmer’s Parent/Guardian/Official/ Supporter/Dry Member | $48.67 |
Eligibility Criteria 申请标准
- Currently attending Wahroonga Preparatory, Knox Grammar School or Pymble Ladies College; or
- Enrolled to attend one of the above schools in the future; or
- Swimming at either Pymble Ladies College or Knox Grammar School squads or learn to swim programme, or
- Parent of Swimmer member (for Non-Swimmer membership).
- 目前正就读于Wahroonga预备学校,Knox文学院或Pymble女子学院,或
- 即将入学以上任一一所学校;或
- 参加了Knox文学院或Pymble女子学院的游泳班或者游泳课程,或
- 游泳会员的家长(适用于非游泳会员)。
- 购买会员产品(适用于新会员)
How to Join 怎样加入
- Complete the Membership Eligibility Form (the completed form will be emailed). Download and save the emailed form.
- Instructions on joining Swim Central as a new member and adding a dependant can be found here.
- Instructions for Purchasing a Membership Product/Membership Product with a Document requirement can be found here. Only new members will be prompted to upload the Membership Eligibility Approval Form. During the upload process
- Select ‘Document Category’ – Governance
- Select ‘Document Type’ – Membership Eligibility Approval
- Type 30/09/25 in the expiry date field, or you must upload the form again next year.
- After you have provided payment details at the checkout, you will receive a notification that your payment is pending approval.
- 符合条件的申请者,请在购买KPSC会员产品之前先申请Active Kids代金券。
- 打印并填写会员申请表,并保存表格以便日后查阅。
- 如何申请成为新成员和如何添加受养人的说明可以在这里找到。
- 如何购买会员产品/有文件要求的会员产品的说明可以在这里找到。只有新会员才需要上传会员申请表。
- 上传时“文档类别 Document Category ”请选择“治理 Governance”,“文件类型 Document Type”请选择“会员资格审核 Membership Eligibility Approval”
- 在截止日期栏中请填写30/09/30,这可以避免你明年再次被要求上传表格。
- 每位会员只能使用一张有效的Active Kids代金券。Active Kids代金券可以在俱乐部的购买点兑换,请提前准备好您的代金券号码!
- 在结帐处提供付款信息后,您会收到付款等待批准的通知。